International Student Experience
At Korowa, our aim is to provide every girl with an environment that supports her in achieving her academic and personal goals, whatever they may be. Living in a new country and culture, we recognise that international students may face a number of additional challenges, and pride ourselves on providing structures which have been developed to ensure that students feel confident, comfortable and connected in their academic and personal lives.
International Student Coordinator
Our International Student Coordinator is dedicated to looking after all aspects of international student welfare and ensuring that her experience in Australia is a positive one. The International Student Coordinator is just one member of an extensive pastoral care team focused on ensuring that all students feel supported in all aspects of their life at Korowa Anglican Girls’ School.
International Captain
The International Captain, one of our student leadership team members, plays a significant role in the lives of international students at Korowa. Working closely with local and overseas students, she provides peer support for new and existing international students to ensure that they feel ready and able to participate fully in the Korowa community, and to take advantage of the many opportunities available to them within the school environment.
Throughout the year the International Captain organises a range of formal and informal activities to facilitate social interactions between students of all ages and backgrounds.
For more information about our enrolment process for international students, please view our website here.